Child-centred Community Development Project​

This project is providing various benefits to the most needy and poor children in 28 villages of nine gram panchayats of Naugarh block of Chandauli district. It covers 20,675 people who include 7,336 children in 3,320 families. The covered population consists of Kols, Kharwars, Mushars, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
The project seeks overall development of the population through betterment of the children. It has four major components:
1. Healthy and Secure Infants (0–5 years)
This includes many activities like decision-making power for IYC caregivers, responsive parenting education and support, community-based child protection mechanism, healthy home environment, adequate nutrition for IYC and expectant mother, access to high-quality pre-school, high quality childcare, early childhood care, anganwadi centres and promotion of child rights and child protection.
2. Educated and Confident Children (6–14 years)
Children in 6–14 years age group are in primary and junior high schools. To ensure that the children get quality education in a child friendly environment, training are organised for schoolteachers and organisation’s staff. Training of stakeholders in education like school management committee are organised so overall environment of the schools improves. Supplementary education is provided to the children so their reading and writing skills match their age and grade. Children are provided support of educational material. It is in this age that concepts of child protection and child rights are introduced to the children.
3. Skilled and Involved Youth (15–24 years)
This includes familiarisation of adolescents with ARSH (adolescent reproductive and sexual health), work readiness, workforce development and protection, decision-making skills, youth friendly sexual and reproductive health, supportive homes and communities, community-based protection mechanisms and youth-friendly forums. Special focus is given on skill development training for rural youths in the age group of 15–24 years.
4. Formation, Promotion and Strengthening of Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
The activity covers 1,455 women belonging to the 97 SHGs. It supports them in bank linkage for CCL and inter loaning for livelihood and employment promotion of children’s families. Hundreds of small businesses have come up giving a boost to the income of the families.